Link Between Financial Literacy And Financial Inclusion
A Case Of Urban Areas Of Karachi, Pakistan
Social Interaction, Sustainable Development Goals, Financial System, Financial LiteracyAbstract
This research endeavours to investigate the intricate interplay between contemporary financial literacy, social interaction, and financial inclusion. Employing a well-established theoretical framework, we employed a rigorously tested questionnaire to evaluate hypotheses and gather empirical data. Our study relies on proxies for financial literacy and financial inclusion, consistent with prior research methodologies. Given the primary nature of our data, we utilized Smart PLS as our analytical tool. Our findings reveal that among the various proxies for financial literacy, behaviour and knowledge exhibit a significant impact on financial inclusion, while skills and attitude do not exert a statistically significant influence. Importantly, we also explore the moderating role of social interaction in the relationship between financial literacy and inclusion, as posited in our study's hypotheses. The outcomes of our analysis substantiate and extend the empirical evidence from previous studies, shedding new light on the complex dynamics between contemporary financial literacy, social interaction, and the promotion of financial inclusion.
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