Sobre a Revista

Scope of Journal:

The "Journal of World Research" on Culture, ISSN Print: 2791-0962 & Online: 2791-0970, is a double-blind peer-review, Open Free Access, Research Journal. The Journal is a bi-annual, double-blind, peer-reviewed, and open-access research journal. It is dedicated to the publication of research in multidisciplinary cultural studies regarding "current cultures and issues of the world". Research articles in all social sciences subjects i.e., Sociology, Anthropology, Social work, Economics, Political, Gender, Religious, International, Linguistics, Law & Order, Criminology, and Media cultures, more specifically based on present research are considered for publication or where the editors find the material especially relevant to the objectives of the Journal.

The journal accepts submissions in English languages. Presently, the journal is continually publishing with biannual editions. If you are considering submitting an article to the Journal, please take careful notice of the Journal's requirements regarding its scope, objectives, reference style, format, etc.

Aims and Objectives:

The "Journal of World Research" on Culture has the following aims/Objectives:

  • To encourage advanced scholarly research on "contemporary situations/issues" of the modern era.
  • To welcome academic researchers to get their writings published in all domains of social sciences, especially the "multidisciplinary collaborative approach".
  • To publish articles after a blind peer-review process, which is carried out by leading specialists in social sciences areas of interest that have close associations with "contemporary cultural research".
  • To develop diversity, tolerance, and fruitful scholarly discussions and research.
  • IJAWR also welcomes scholars around the world to publish their worthy research on its platform without any ethnic, geographical, or religious discrimination.

Editorial Process:

The "Journal of World Research" on Culture follows a systematic review and publication policy. It follows a double-blind peer review policy. The article is sent to two "internationally recognized reviewers" who are experts in the concerned respective field to review the paper in light of the journal’s guidelines and features of a quality research paper. If the reviewers suggest any changes, the same suggestions are forwarded to the authors to ensure the quality of the articles and after that, revised articles are accepted for further copyediting and publication process.


The publication process is as follows:

  • The submitted manuscript is acknowledged within 24 hours upon receipt through the automatically generated response of OJS.
  • The manuscript/paper is sent to two reviewers without the name and affiliations of the author(s). The review process takes about four weeks.
  • The review reports are collected from the reviewers and the Managing Editor sends the review reports to the authors including all terms and conditions of the publication.
  • If the paper is accepted, the Managing Editor sends a positive response to the authors. Suppose the paper is accepted subject to modification. In that case, the Managing Editor will send the review reports to the authors including a formal request to modify the paper by seven days as per the suggestions of the reviewers. The corresponding author sends the modified paper to the same Managing Editor and the editor forwards it again to the concerned reviewers of the said paper to justify the modifications. If the paper fails to satisfy the reviewers this time, then the article is said to be finally rejected. The journal does not proceed with the said paper. However, in case of minor changes, the editor-in-chief may consider the paper for further modifications on the recommendation of the Managing Editor.
  • The accepted paper is processed for publication upon completing the journal’s terms and conditions. The acceptance letter is issued within five days after the acceptance of the article and fulfilment of all journal’s requirements.
  • Proofreading: Before publishing the processed article, the editor asks the author for any final proofreading, if not, the paper is forwarded to the copyeditor. After copyediting as per the format of IJSSR, the paper is forwarded to the editor for publication.
  • The paper is published online first. The editor-in-chief will notify the authors about the online publication with the necessary download link. The authors may request any correction in the published paper (in case of extremely important changes) within three days of online publication.
  • The journal is published in print form within two weeks after the online publication.
  • The authors of the published papers will send their correct and complete postal address along with the proper ZIP Code and postal code three days after print publication through email along with the hardcopy fee deposit slip Rs. 3000/-, then the hard copy will be posted to the concerned authors. 
  • The editor will send the hard copy of the journal to those authors within one month after print publication.


Open Access Policy:

The "Journal of World Research" on Culture is published through an open-access journal system that allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and to use them for any other legal purpose. All current/previous issues and complete articles can be viewed or downloaded from the Journal of World Researches (IJAWR’s) website.

Copyright Policy:

IJAWR adopts the copyright policy that the authors retain copyright under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. However, the author has to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

License Policy:

The "Journal of World Research" on Culture is licensed under a Creative Commons license i.e., Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). The authors retain copyright under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. However, the author has to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Plagiarism Policy:

The "Journal of World Research" on Culture strictly follows the Plagiarism Policy as per the guidelines of HEC. The Similarity Report on Turnitin should be below 15%. If the similarity Report of the submitted manuscript is more than 15% then it will be rejected. The editorial board is very strict regarding plagiarism. The journal believes that taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the author to make sure that he/she has submitted an entirely original work and if he/she takes some work of others then he/she must give due credit to the first author.


Facts and theories published in the "Journal of World Research" on Culture by BWO Researches Pvt. Ltd., demonstrate only the opinions of the respective authors. Authors are responsible for their text, citing of sources, and the accuracy of references, and bibliographies. The editor-in-chief, editor, or editorial board cannot be held responsible for any lack or possible violations of third-party rights.


Certificates for Authors and Reviewers